Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Impeach Cheney


Warning: This isn’t for the faint of heart. If you’re a neo-con (my sympathies) than you won’t like what you’re about to read. If you blindly follow along and buy into all the sh@t that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and their cronies would have you believe (my sympathies) — you won’t like what you’re about to read. If you would have an entire group of people’s rights limited because their beliefs don’t quite meld with your own perspective of the world (my sympathies) — you are about to be offended. Too bad. If you fall into any of these categories than you probably won’t like what we’re about to suggest. That said, I think it’s HIGH TIME that this sort of thing took place!

"You Lied" video as depicted on YouTube

What follows (below) was sent as a bulletin on myspace by a friend of mine.

*** It’s Official! ***

Dear Friends,

At 9 p.m. EDT, Tuesday, October 23, in a national conference call to impeachment organizers, Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich announced he will go before the U.S. House of Representatives on a point of personal privilege to motion for the impeachment of Dick Cheney. Mr. Kucinich stated he will bring the vote forward sometime before Thanksgiving.

Folks, NOW is the time to pressure all Congressional Democratic and Republican representatives. Tell them you will support—with your votes and contributions—only those candidates who get on board with Dennis Kucinich’s H.R. 333 to impeach Cheney. Their support gets your support. Period.

Here are toll-free phone numbers for Congressional offices in DC:
(866) 340.9281 — (866) 338.1015 — (877) 851.6437
(800) 828.0498 — (800) 459.1887 — (800) 614.2803

Don’t wait for tomorrow. Call right now, this second. Jam the Capitol switchboard with our demand to restore justice and reclaim democracy.

What else you can do:

  • Spread the word, far and wide. Forward this mail. Tell your friends, family and co-workers that we have to start a wave on Washington. Every person’s action is critical.

  • E-mail or write an op-ed to local and national newspapers and media outlets, including conservative venues like FOX News, The Wall Street Journal, and “National Review.” Get exposure. There’s no such thing as bad publicity.

  • Post the news on your favorite blogs. Be sure to suggest contacting Mr. Kucinich’s office for more details, in addition to urging FAXing letters and/or calling the numbers above to demand that your rep support impeachment—or else they won’t get your votes and dollars next year.

  • We are organizing a full court press on the ACLU, MoveOn, Al Gore, Bill Moyers, NPR, and the National Lawyers Guild—to support and publicize the impeachment mission. If you are connected to any of the above, contact them directly and compel them to fuel the network to impeach.

Thanks for ALL YOU CAN DO!


P.S. Before the conference call, I spoke with Mr. Kucinich for ten minutes. He stressed that the vote will be crushed unless there are enough voices to demand impeachment and accountability. Please let your voice be heard!




(Watch Ralph Nader’s 3½-minute video “It’s Worse Than We Think”)




“In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man — brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”

NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency may have read this E-mail without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of the President and Vice President.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Michael Gets The "All Clear!"

This has been a trying month, so to speak. I've been worried about a lady I worked with, with whom I had become fond of (as friends). She has always been a good friend to me; very gentle and loving in her nature and never had anything bad to say about anyone. While I can't really go into detail (because I'm not privy to those) I can say that she is no longer with the company and civil charges, I guess, are being brought against her as well as (I think) criminal charges. It's all about money they say. Bottom line is, I'm having a hard time believing she could be capable of what she's accused of having done. I'm not saying she didn't do it; I wouldn't have any way of knowing whether she did or didn't. Just that it strikes me as so "out of character" for who I thought she was. And it's upsetting because it either (i) represents a grave misjudgment of character on my part as to who this person really is, or (ii) a vast miscarriage of justice against her.

The former I can learn to live with; the latter I find to be really disturbing. So, that is part of why I've been stressing.

Another reason is that somebody I care a lot about will be going in for surgery later this morning and I won't rest easy until I know that operation has definitely gone as well as I hope (and pray and expect) it will. He's a close friend and someone I've come to think of more like a member of my family. There are a couple of you who fall in that category, I suppose; I think you know who you are. (c: ..so I'll be awaiting word from either him or his boyfriend that all went well.

Now, the other thing that's been on my mind... weellll, that's more personal.

As all of my friends are already aware, I had been diagnosed with cancer late last year. Took four months off from work to undergo treatment in the form of chemotherapy from mid-November up until March 12th of this year. (You do NOT want to have to go through that if you can help it, trust me!) That's kind of the reason for this blog entry tonight.

The treatment was successful and I went into remission. That said, I am very careful to try and "listen" to my body. The early signs of my cancer (as it turns out) were in the form of minor back pain which gradually grew more and more painful, until it was eventually too much for me to ignore. That was when the cancer was discovered and (until it was under control) I had to go on narcotics for the pain. I didn't like those either! They make you feel "out of control" - fuzzy minded.

Anyway, I had taken a week off last month to travel back to New Mexico to help Mom go through a number of things in preparation for an [eventual] move to a new home, including sorting through and tossing a BUNCH of stuff from Dad's shop building.

While I was there I basically did a lot of heavy work I wasn't accustomed to doing, what with having been taking it easy during my cancer therapy ...AND I cracked a rib when I slipped in the bathtub. Don't laugh! LOL!!! My back began to ache ... and I began to get very antsy about the backaches. After all, this was one of the early symptoms of the Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (cancer) late last year. My mind went to, "please don't let it be cancer ... again ... so soon after having gone into remission!" So I began to worry about that, as well. I had CT scans a few weeks back but wouldn't get the results until I saw my oncologist ... which was today. I was preparing myself for the worst but hoping for the best.

As it turns out, I got a clean bill of health. (Of course, I had to listen to some crack about having had another birthday and that THAT was the real reason, most likely, for my backaches --- especially in light of having overdone it this past month. Whatever! LOL!!!) The CT scans, according to my oncologist came back clear and that's all that was important to me.

Then I asked him to take a look at a picture I had printed, which had been taken of my initial CT scans last year when I was diagnosed with the cancer (below).

I wanted to know if I was interpreting what I was looking at correctly. If all of the dark areas in the scans, save for the area I believed to be my bladder (circled in red, above), were in fact the cancer. He confirmed my suspicions, saying that I had had a lot of "diseased tissue" (cancer). Um, I think I'm kind of happy I did NOT know just how extensive the cancer was at that time. I mean, I knew I had cancer - and I OBVIOUSLY knew I was in pain because of it - but I also knew I'd get well again and beat the deadly bastard (cancer). If I'd consciously known, by having seen what is shown above, just how widespread the cancer was - I don't know if I'd have been able to keep as positive an outlook about it as I did.

But all is well [still]... I'm thankful for that!

Now, I just want to hear that my friend's surgery has gone as well as I expect it to and that he is safely back home recovering! I think the world of that young man. He's a good kid and... well, I could go on and on and on about several close friends I've made here. Just suffice it to say, "good friends are a precious commodity. Never, ever take them for granted and always let them know you love them."

With much love, peace and loads of hugs,

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Bill Maher's Reaction To the Subject Of Flag Pins

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The Misrepresentation Of The People Act

How many of you are tired of your elected representatives lying to you? All too often, they do so to get elected. They [continue] to lie to "stay elected." They lie to cover up their misdeeds; actions they've had a direct or in-direct hand in, which resulted in a budget or monetary windfall realized by an associate of theirs (which I'm certain they're sharing in, as well). It's become "Big Business - the Art of Lying To The American People." Hmm, I think that might make for a good book title. Dibs!

Well, across the sea, in that place our forebears fought so hard to break free of (we all know it as the United Kingdom, UK for short), they're having the same sort of problem. But an act of legislation is being discussed which, if passed, might address it in full. It's called "The Misrepresentation Of The People Act" and I think it would be a wonderful(!) thing to have here in the States, as well! Just imagine if our elected officials could have their feet held to the fire for lying to us! Sure, the burden of proof would still be on whomever was bringing up the charge -- but the tools would be in place to sufficiently PUNISH the offending politician if the basis for bringing the charges was proven! Oh, what joy it would be to see the turn of the tide. To actually see politicians seeking office for the "right reasons" (to help and fairly represent us poor chumps), encouraged to do so because to do otherwise might put them in real harm's way of being punished -- and punished severely! I'm all for it.

Of course, I'm not naive. I know getting such a piece of legislation passed in this country is going to be every bit as difficult as it's proving to be over in the UK. But what does it hurt to try? Good Lord, there are other pieces of legislation we've been trying to get passed for decades — and we haven't given up on those! Here in Texas, we continually go back and forth on legislation which was targeted toward homosexuals, making it a criminal offense for us to show our love for our partner. (I'm not even certain where we stand on that at the moment, as we seemingly "win the fight" only to have it overturned a couple of years later. I know, I know, I should pay closer attention... I don't. At least, not to that particular piece of business - because my own attitude is "Fck em, I'm going to be who I am and to hell with anybody who wants to legislate my actions!" /rambling/ )

But to get back on track. Wouldn't you like to see legislation of this sort introduced here in the United States? Wouldn't it, if properly and thoroughly upheld, only serve to benefit all of us? Would not passing such legislation, perhaps, give a little hope to those of us who have [already] lost faith in the system? Good grief, just imagine if it really DID work!

One of the links provided from the Google search I did on "The Misrepresentation Of The People Act" led to a short video featuring responses from some of the (I think they call them "magistrate" in the UK - but I could be wrong) ... "the powers that be" will suffice, I suppose. Here is the link. Check it out and you tell me if this doesn't seem like the exact kind of feeble, rhetorical response we'd get from most of our own representatives right here in the States. (All the more reason to get this kind of legislation introduced and passed.)


Saturday, October 13, 2007

Mama Looks To Buy a New Home

My brother and I were born six years apart. Any of you who have siblings with a stretch of about the same amount can probably relate. We didn't get along terrifically growing up. Not terribly, just not real close. I was the older brother who had his own itinerary and was too impatient to be bothered by a tag-along. *laughs* My brother, younger, always seemed to be in the thick of things. Plus, he was always into my toys from an early age --- something I might add that I dont' have to worry about today! haha

However, we get along GREAT today. Seldom do a few days (five at most) go by that one of us isn't calling the other to see what's up. He still lives back in our hometown of Carlsbad; I, having moved to Dallas a few months before my 22nd birthday many years ago. I moved here for employment and just to get into a larger city to find myself. I'm proud of my brother; he's accomplished a lot and has a wonderful family. (Because of him, I have a beautiful young niece and handsome nephew, both of whom are the apples of their uncle's eyes. THEY can do no wrong and you'd be hard pressed to hear me to say otherwise. Also, they are the best lookin' and smartest kids in the world (not that I'm biased mind you). Their mom, my sister-in-law, is a great gal. Such a twinkle exists in her eyes. Love her, love her, love her... AND she knows what kinds of greeting cards are going to tickle my fancy when they all go on vacation, like to the beach for instance! Show me a HUNK! -- not some bikini-clad chick like my brother would choose to send! *chuckles to self*

Now, how did this become about my brother and his family? It was supposed to be about Mom and her new house! *facepalm* Okay...

My brother and I grew up in a place that ... for lack of a better description, was "pieced together." Dad would tell you it was "Okie-built" *laughs* (THAT means nothing was put together "correctly" in his opinion ---- it could have all been just as easily held together by baling wire.) Apologies to those who live in Oklahoma; nothing personal. You work with what you have. *devilish grins*

You won't get any argument from my brother or I that the house was anything but spectacular but looking back we had some pretty great times in that house. It wasn't the most beautiful home on the block and one of the rooms that'd been added on along the way appeared to be a bit "lower" than all the rest. (The roofline supported this speculation and the floor of that room is about an inch lower than all others in the home.) ...and perhaps it was because we grew up in that home that the first room I look at in any place I'm looking to move into myself is the bathroom. The bathroom in our old home was anything but spacious and/or glamorous; it STILL isn't to this day.

Poor Mom. All she wanted all those years was a place she could call home that she was proud of. Dad, though I loved him immensely, figured "as long as you've got a sturdy roof over your head (no matter what it looks like), you're set!"

Eventually, Dad would build a nice shop building out behind the house where he could retreat to and work on his "projects" ... few of which ever involved "improvements" to the home. *LOL* Mom would get so frustrated with him, but she loved him and sat aside her dreams for a nicer home... ...and Dad NEVER gave it another thought. He had, after all, his shop. (c:

But Dad was diagnosed with cancer several years back (passing on the 15th of February, 2005). My brother and I watched on, keeping a close eye on how Mom would react as Dad's health declined. (They could get on one another's nerves to an extreme but you always knew they'd come out the other side of the argument making up. Actually, I'd prefer NOT to think too much about that! I'd much prefer to think of my own birth as being the result of some immaculate conception. After all, parents don't have sex; they just "rastle." *LOL* )

It's been a while now since Dad passed on and while I don't think my brother and I ever really thought it all that likely that she would, Mom has been looking for a new place to move into. Her own dreams of having a nicer home are alive and well! And I'm rather glad of that. I'm proud of all that she's accomplished (she always worked her butt off for my brother and I --- and when Dad took early retirement, she continued working to support the both of them. When Dad was diagnosed with cancer and undergoing treatment she took care of him AND continued to work.

But now it's close to that time in Mom's life when she's going to be retiring herself. It's nigh time she was able to live out some of her own dreams. And she's made an offer on a nice three-bedroom home nearer downtown there. I've walked through the place and it's really quite nice. I think it's a great place for her! (Heck, maybe I'll even move back home!! *LOL*) Yes, she is paying top-dollar for it. So what! If it makes her happy I say, "do it!"

Here's the rub and I'm a little put out with some of my extended [blood] family because of it; Aunts and Uncles. They don't seem to understand Mom has given up a lot to keep her husband (mine and my brother's father) happy and to provide for us kids when we were growing up. Dad was a great guy but the truth be told Mom sat aside her own dreams for a nicer place to live in order to keep peace between the two of them. But for whatever their reasons, some in my family apparently believe Mom doesn't need to be moving into a nicer place. I don't know if they're jealous or think she doesn't deserve to indulge in some dreams of her own or what. I really don't care; this is my Mom and she's spending her own money so I'm in full support of whatever she decides. The rest of the family can go pound sand for all I care.

Those aunts and uncles who might have nothing good to say about it can just keep their opinions to themselves. If they can't say something supportive and nice, they can keep their mouths shut. If what I'm saying doesn't meet with their approval and they prefer to say something snide in response, they can simply kiss my ass. (c: ...if they think I'm a git for taking up for my own mother, THEY don't know the meaning of the word "family."

Don't get me wrong. I love all of my family but my brother, Mom, niece and nephew, sister-in-law ... and memories of Dad ... they come first! Aunts and Uncles, cousins --- they're all nice to have around but they aren't the ones who have always been there for me. They're not the ones who lost sleep when things weren't going well at all and I was in the midst of an abusive relationship. My family is happy for me I'm sure but Mom, Dad, my brother; they're the ones who allow me my own opinions, even if some of those opinions might be far different from their own — and who have always stuck by me. Family is important to me, just as some of my closest friends are important to me (you know who you are --- I make no secrets of it).

Besides, I've already purchased Mom's house-warming gift (and if she doesn't get THIS house it'll be delivered to Carlsbad in wait for the next one).